I found a sentence that made me think of words to write, I’d like to see where they lead, already they have taken me to another sentence which is making me think of even more new words to write I wonder where they will lead.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

The beginning.


Instead of inventing and telling stories, I’m going to make my life a more interesting story.

You can I suppose if you wanted to consider everybody’s life as a story and personally I don’t think when I get down to it there would be anyway that I could ever place one person’s life story as more interesting than another’s.

The way I see it, it all depends on what you think is an interesting story, It also makes me wonder how many people do take the time to consider whether their life is interesting, and then come up with the conclusion that their life is not.

I can see that people might come to the conclusion that life is boring. It’s just a different way of looking at things, yet I see each person’s life as interesting.

I’ve skimped out on going into a heavy detail on the question of

What is interesting?

And also, what is an interesting life?

For this piece I’ve decided that I’m just going to go along with new experiences being interesting.

In this case a message behind the sentence could be that an individual can actively do things different in order to make their life’s a more interesting story.

For example when on a bus steal the stranger in front of you’s hat then stand up ring the bus bell and say to everyone on the bus

“Bonjour my name is Clive”

In which case I could conclude that doing new or completely random things would then lead to making life a more interesting story

However it’s my personally opinion that life and peoples life’s always make for interesting story’s, no matter whether they stick to a routine or in fact do different things every day and the invention and telling of stories is a part of that too.

I will put my hand up and express that one part of my beliefs; a very small part does believe this to be a bit of a cop out, especially when considering the whole radical freedom revolution side of things.

This radical freedom revolution is a tiny sentiment at the back of my mind which believes that, any able body, can just down tools, go outside and walk, and just keep walking to see what happens.

It would mean no money, no possessions, yet all around there would be people to meet and places to see, every day would be different. You might get cold, you might get wet, you might go hungry, you might meet people, or you might be alone.

There would be places of natural beauty to enjoy, as well as cities too, who knows you might survive for a long time, then again you might die.

There must be people out there that do, do this but like a lot of things I feel it would take both a strong will and character.

For me that would be one way to completely change my own life, but whether it would be more interesting or not, well your guess would be as good as mine and right here right now I wouldn’t like to try it, or at least I don’t think I want too, that’s because I’m comfortable.

I also believe that type of existence would just be another life story, of no better or worse interest than any other.

Which for some reason brings two phrases to the fore front of my mind it’s all good, and same shit different day.

Another thing it’s made me think off is, am I too comfortable; or, are we too comfortable, and finally what exactly is the benefit of being comfortable anyway?